The Cathedral Kitchen and Food Pantry is the primary charitable outreach of the parish. Donations are always needed, as are volunteers for shopping, cooking, serving, and preparing food pantry bags.
Contact: Linda Eichholtz
A fraternal organization of Roman Catholic men, women and children. Their intent and purposes are to render service to God and His Church; to be faithful to its doctrines; to be sensitive to the needs of the Church, the family, our fellow persons and community; to portray by example and deed the higher principles of Christian life. You are invited to join them as they walk in the steps of their patron, St. Peter Claver.
Contact: Frank Loyd, Jr. or Debra Cooper
Liturgical ministers assist with the celebration of the Mass. Parishioners may serve as altar servers, arts & environment volunteers, collectors, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, greeters, lectors, Mass coordinators, sacristans, and ushers.
Contact: Parish Office
In our Catholic Tradition, sacred music holds a primary place among the arts, and at SS. Peter and Paul Cathedral, music is an essential and integral component to the Sacred Liturgy. Opportunities are available to serve as a member of the choir or as a cantor. MORE INFORMATION
Contact: Andrew Motyka
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is the means by which adults become members of the Catholic Church. The cathedral parish typically offers RCIA inquiry sessions each year in late summer, with classes beginning in the fall.
Contact: Parish Office
Members help to sort donations once a month at the St. Vincent de Paul warehouse, and to visit homes for needs assessment for furniture / appliances / clothing. St. Vincent de Paul's mission is to provide for needy families and the St. Vincent de Paul Conference provides for the needs of those within our parish boundaries. Our SVdP conference also offers the special program, Changing Lives Forever, to help people change their circumstances and rise above generational poverty. Our Changing Lives Forever program provides opportunities to learn how to build a sustainable, stable lifestyle, free from the challenges that come with being in constant need.
Contact: Mary Dando or Mary Oss
In his encyclical, Laudato Si’, Pope Francis recognizes that climate change caused by global warming poses an urgent threat to the Earth, our common home, and its most vulnerable inhabitants.The goal of this virtual committee is to examine how we can better implement the goals of Laudato Si’ in our parish, our homes, and our individual lives.
Contact: Joe Shierling: shierlingjoe025[at]
Individuals seeking spiritual direction should contact the archdiocesan spiritual direction office. Those seeking spiritual direction will be matched with potential spiritual directors after an initial conversation has determined the needs of the seeker.
Rev. Noah J. Casey was the rector of SS. Peter and Paul Cathedral from 2011-2014. He passed away as a result of cancer in 2015. The Rev. Noah J. Casey Endowment for the Ministry of Spiritual Direction was created in his memory. Donations to the endowment may be made at:
While there are many ways to live out our prayer lives, Pope Francis calls our attention to one particular form of prayer: Intercession. The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines Intercessory prayer as “a prayer of petition which leads us to pray as Jesus did.” Though he is the “one intercessor with the Father on behalf of all men,” we can be united with him in this form of prayer (CCC, 2634). If you have a prayer request, please send an email to: